Sunny Days

Sunny Days

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Last Blog

Wow, I cannot believe tonight will be our last class! It seems like yesterday was our first day! I enjoyed this class so much. I have met many wonderful people and I cannot wait to see where we all end up in a few years. I have put so much into this class, I never have procrastinated and I have done every assignment that was assigned. Therefore I believe I should recieve an A. The only reason I should not have gotten an A is because of the tests. I am not a great test taker so those always bring my grades down. My favorite part of this class was that there was so much class participation! I loved working with others and it also helps me meet new people. One thing that I would change about the class would be the long lessons on the book... That KILLED me. But.. the time period of the book was not my thing. Overall, I loved this class! I honestly wish it was not over because I am truely going to miss every single one of you! Thank you for making my senior year in high school and my first class in college so great! Could not have done it without all of you! And thank you Ms.Hanson for teaching me so much and being an AMAZING teacher!

                                                                                           Love Always,


Wednesday, April 30, 2014

A Timeless Story of Anne Boleyn Part 3 Chapters 1-5

Chapter 1- I cannot believe Anne came back to her modern day life! Why did she have to come back like that?! What about the marriage? The way Anne came back was that she had an aneurism and she woke up in the hospital. She said that 50% of people who have aneurisms die. Two months ago my grandmother had an aneurism. She was more than blessed to still be alive. All of the symptoms that Anne had relate to how my grandmother had hers. I can't believe I didn't pick up on that! She had to keep it a secret that she visited the Tutor era because the hospital would think she was crazy. Also, she kept it a secret that she has another aneurism that was likely to rupture in her brain. While she was in the hospital Daniel came in to visit her. Why would he come back if he was already married? I understand that he cares about her but how does his wife feel about that? Or does she even know?

Chapter 2-  Two weeks later Anne was discharged from the hospital. One of her good friends Kate showed up to take her home and she asked Anne about Daniel. Anne explained that he has been in on a few occasions but he has a wife and a child, but after he drops Jemima (his daughter) off to school, he was going to come over. When Daniel came over they kissed passionately and their love for each other showed. Anne keeps talking about how Daniel was similar to Henry.  Seven months have passed since Anne and Daniel had started to see each other, and Daniel went on a trip with his family. This reflects back to when Henry did this to Anne. Anne was beyond jealous and had a heated temper. How could Anne let Daniel cheat on his wife with a kid? What is she thinking? Did she not learn from Henry that he will pick his wife over her?!

Chapter 3- I just found out that Anne's parents and elder brother had died in a car wreck when she was 5, so she grew up with her grandparents. This day was Anne's birthday and Daniel came to surprise her with a day out by the Ankerwycke Yew tree. Daniel knew how much Anne loved the Tutor Era so he knew this would be the perfect place to have a picnic. During the picnic, Anne confessed to Daniel about her visit in the Tutor Era. Fortunately, Daniel never judged her. Anne was so lucky to find a man who would make her sound crazy when she told him this story. He was always there for her, although he still has a wife.

Chapter 4 and 5- Daniel dropped Anne off at Hever Castle. Anne wanted to come back and see how things have changed since she lived there. Things had changed drastically! When she was there she could hear hooves of the horses upon the cobblestone, everything she had experienced played back in her mind. She found herself looking at  a picture of her sister and she started reaching for her and then she got herself in trouble because she was not supposed to touch anything. That brought her back into reality. It saddened her that she was not living in that house because she missed it so much and it was no longer hers. She found the book of hours and on it the words Le Temps Viendra , Je Anne Boleyn. She remembered writing this when Anne took over when she was in the Tutor Era. Later, she went down to St. Peter's church and saw her "father's" grave. Not long after Daniel was there to pick her up. Anne kept smelling the rose water which she once did when she had the aneurism. I for sure thought that she was going to have another one and die. Luckily, in the end she didn't. Daniel text Anne and said that him and his wife had got in a fight and that he finally left her. This brings us back to where Anne was with the annulment with Katherine. I do though believe that she loves Daniel and I also believe that they should be together.

I am so glad I got to read this book and enjoy it. I never thought that I would like this book but luckily I did and it made it much easier to read! I do recommend this book

Monday, April 21, 2014

A Timeless Story of Anne Boleyn Chapters 19-22

Chapter 19-  Anne gets bored while Henry is in court. So Anne sets up all of these games to play. She says she becomes a gambler and with what she owed Henry would pay that off. When Anne was about to take her next shot of shooting rounds,  Nan came up to her crying outrageously. She told Anne that he book that Anne had given to her was taken up. After Nan had said this, Anne had immediately gone to Henry and told him the news. Anne and Henry's affection grows stronger throughout this chapter. You can see that Anne gives Henry just enough of what he wants so she can get what she wants.

Chapter 20- In the mid to the end of the chapter, Dr. Edward Foxe had come in with news from the Pope. This news stated that the document makes good all the requests that they laid before him. This please Anne and Henry! Anne still trying to predict fate. She wondered if this would change the past, and also if they would get married sooner than planned.

Chapter  21-22 - It was towards the end of May and Anne had gotten sick. She was placed in her bed, days upon days with Bess, who was taking care of her. Many people came in and visited her while she was sick. Finally by Mid- June she finally got to full health and recovered all of her strength. In celebration of her recovery, George, Margery, and Mary all went to ride out. When they got back Anne noticed that the palace had been quieter. She asked her mother what was wrong and the sweating sickness had come back. Her mother told her that they were leaving, but Anne refused to go without Henry. To Anne's surprise, Henry had already left with Kathrine. Anne was furious! As I would be too! With Henry thought, her brother had gone with him. Not long after, Bess had gotten the sickness and died, and then George had gotten it also. With full recovery George was okay with just in a few days. At the end of the chapter, Anne became sick as well, but she was falling asleep while her mother was trying to keep her awake.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

A Timeless Story of Anne Boleyn Chapters 16-18

Chapter 16- Henry and Anne walked through Windsor Great park, while walking Anne explained the love that these two share. Later on, Anne was asked to come over Master Heneage place. There are so many different people in this book, I have no idea who Master Heneage is! Anne received a letter from Wolsey talking about how he will remain the most loyal and committed servant. Luckily, Anne forgave him because she knew this would help her out for the future. It had been the first day of Lent and for supper wine and carp.

Chapter 17- Three weeks have passed since the dinner. Anne has not  heard from the King that day, like she normally does. She believed Henry was leaving without her. Soon after, George, her brother, walked in and said the King had sent him to send her down in an hour. When Anne had seen Henry he was wearing a brooch set with diamonds and in the cipher it had an HA. This immediately showed the love that Henry had for Anne. After riding the horses, Anne and Henry stopped. Henry's leg starting bothering him. Anne knew from her modern day life that this was the start of Henry's ulcer that would not be able to heal.

Chapter 18- The May Day celebrations were coming up which would be held at Greenwich Palace. Anne is mad at Henry because Katherine had to accompany him to the joust. She believes this gives the people a reason to call her a common whore. Anne's jealousy is out of control! The King is still married and will still be married for a while, so yeah she kind of is a whore. I do believe that Anne does not know what he wants. Has she not though about what he is going to do to her? She is falling into his trap. Anne does have some good friends like Nan, but she does not treat them as well as a good friend should.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Anne Bolyne Chapters 13-15 and Poem

Chapter 13- Anne just found out that she had another good friend. Her name is Margaret and she is Thomas Wyatt's older sibling. Anne and Margaret talk about the King and his intentions with Anne. Margaret and her husband are going to help Anne during court. She is going to be the eyes and ears for her. Meanwhile, I'm not really sure if the book goes back in time or not, but the King and Thomas get in a fight because Thomas has Anne's locket. The King got irate and stormed off to find Anne. Luckily, the Tudor Anne took over and knew how to calm him down. I believe Anne saw the King's true colors; he was jealous and he had gotten way too mad. At that point and thought her and Thomas's head would have been chopped off. If you get that scared of him, then why are you even with him?  At the end of the chapter,  spring is just around the corner and Anne receives another message from the King.

Chapter 14- This book is starting to become confusing! There are so many names in it. In this chapter it talked about two men specifically, Dr. Edward Foxe and Dr. Stephen Gardiner. These men were sent by the King on their way to visit the Pope in the town of Orviento. It surprises me how loyal these men are to Anne, knowing that she is the mistress of the King. At the end of the chapter Anne pulls out Tyndale's Bible and begins to read. Without realizing, Anne is reading it infront of Dr. Foxe(and this book was banned). Foxe takes the book and analyzies it, and he also hands Anne another book called "The Obedience of a Christian Man". This book had also been banned. With this, he let Anne know that they were on the same side and that she could trust him.

Chapter 15- Anne is traveling back to see the King at court. While traveling, the King said that they could stay at Hampton Court. This place is what Anne visited a lot in the 21st century. Soon after, Anne arrived to the kings palace and Anne saw Henry. You can feel the connection they have between each other. A few chapters ago, I have really started to get annoyed with Anne. She needs to realize that she is not the queen yet. At the end of this chapter, Katherine confronts Anne, but Anne stands up for herself, but there she goes again. Anne is not the queen so she needs to quit acting like it and Henry needs to quit treating her like one. He should be doing and giving all of these gifts to his wife, not Anne.


I Remember When...

Lying on the couch thinking about the pain,
Hearing everything everyone has to say
I know you'll come back for me someday.
Staring at the window pane on my window sill,
Reading the red lines across the frame
Putting forth everything I've got
I made a pie, just to meet him in the hymn.
Untying the knots in my stomach
Turning to see the peak of his face,
Wrapping my arms around his waist,
I told him how much I missed to see his face.
I said no, you cannot go the past was a mist of troubles,
And I know this is not a waste,
He told me he would come see me in the yule.
I threw my feelings through the door,
And I couldn't bare it anymore.
I wish this was a dream,
But when I kissed a toad,
And he would become my prince, and he would never have to go,
But this is real life and this is how it goes,
Even though I have not seen this before,
I knew the scene was very tragic but I know I can make it through.
It has been the fourth Christmas since I had seen him,
I miss when we stared at the peak of the sunset,
He wore the same clothes in the war,
But I prayed that the enemy would not prey upon him.
I guessed he'd had guests heed him,
But I know he fought for our rights in the war.
I'm lying on the couch still thinking about the past,
When I heard a herd of people greeting him ,
When he came through the door,
I was staring at the stairs,
Which I had remembered seeing him walking past the entry way,
I remember the tern flying out the door,
And I knew he had come back for me.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

A Timeless Story of Anne Boleyn Chapters 9-12

Chapter 9- At this point, I am confused as to what Anne wants. I know she is not in her right body but  since she knows what the King is going to do to her. Then why does she keep proceeding with this "marriage"? Before this chapter I saw Anne as a caring and thoughtful person, but her agreement with  her uncle and Charles Brandon is ridiculous! I understand that Cardinal Wolsey had made some unreasonable disicions, but they should not "bring him down". With this being said, my thoughts about Anne have changed. She is not the person I thought that she would be. Everyday Anne is falling deeper into love with Henry, but I still think the love comes from her and Daniel's relationship. You can tell that she misses him. Also in this chapter Anne about lost her purity. Good thing she stopped it before she was known as a bigger whore than her sister. At the end of this chapter Anne thought she loved Beaulieu, but she fell in love with Richmond.

Chapter 10- Anne... This girl does have an attitude. I kind of feel as though I can relate to her some days, but if she is like this all the time, how did she find a man? The smirk that she had on her face when Cardinal came in, I could see myself doing that. I can't believe that the court has to move all the time. Without having cars, this would take days upon days to travel! I could not and would not do all of this for some man who still has a wife. There is no way! Now let's see what happens when she goes to the Palace of Placentia...

Chapter 11- Well I'm thinking Anne is in love. At the end of the chapter, if she would have been asked to make love with him, she would have done it. I think Anne is out of her mind. There is no way I would want to rush my marriage with my own murder! Also in this chapter Anne spends time with her brother. Her and her brother ride horses together and leave the ceremony. It is very obvious how close of a relationship they share, but all in all because of Anne, he is going to die. I think Anne's father is a good man, he puts Anne in her place; although, I believe that Anne and her brother should be treated the same. Well, this marriage is getting closer!

Chapter 12- I can't believe Anne actually went back home. If I were in love, leaving the man I wanted to be with forever, would be the hardest thing for me. Once Anne and Elizabeth got home, they had a mother- daughter bond. I think this was much needed! I cannot believe how bad Elizabeth was talking about Mary! Mary made a mistake, but now she is happily married and has kids. Shouldn't that be something that is encouraged upon? Being happy? Why should Mary be like Anne? Although Anne did not sleep with the King, she is still taking him from his wife. I honestly think that is the worst out of the two. Yes, sleeping with him is wrong, but it was only a one night thing, but Anne has been seeing him for months! I hope Anne knows what she is doing because if I were in her shoes; I would have given up already.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

A Timeless Story of Anne Boleyn, Chapters 4-8

In my last blog I said I was going to read ahead... I am very glad I did! I do not want to get behind, plus this is a very interesting story!
Chapter 4 was not a very long chapter. This chapter surprised me in many ways! I thought from what all I have already read, that Anne would go back to her modern times once she woke up. I think about what has happened to Anne's modern day body while she is in the Tudor Era. I cannot believe that Henry already wants Anne to move into London with him. There is absolutely no way that I could leave my family to go with some guy I hardly knew. It surprises how comfortable Henry is with Anne's family (eating with her family without her down there with him). If I were to have an inter coarse with my soon- to- be wife's sister, I would not be comfortable at all! When Anne tells her father that she wants to send a token of her love, I became really confused. Why would you send him anything when you know he will soon take your life away? When Anne gets to be by herself in the room where she had passed out, she realizes that she misses her own life. She misses her friends, family, and Daniel! I believe the only reason Anne is "falling in love with the King" is because she misses Daniel.

In chapter 5, Anne went on a trip with her mother and her sister. She learned about her brother George; whom she found out she was close to. Knowing that she was close to George, she was nervous because she knew that George could tell she acted different. This could give up Anne's disguise. Once Anne got to Allington Castle, her and her sister met up with a few friends. It amazes me how these people cannot tell a difference in Anne. Especially Thomas!

Chapters 6 & 7 talked a lot about fashion. The King gave many outfits to Anne, which was something new to wear everyday. The King told Anne that she would have to serve Queen Katherine while she was there. There is no way I would serve my soon to be husbands wife! Also with the clothes that the King gave Anne, she also got a necklace that contained a diamond and a ruby. I feel that the King buys Anne's love. I wish she would have been with Thomas ! Thomas showed true love to her through a poem. Of course he couldn't buy her the things the King did, but his love feels so real! If any man treated me like that, I would have already married him!

Chapter 8  was an eventful chapter. It was the first time the Queen had met Anne. The Queen treated Anne kindly, although, behind Anne's back she talked bad about her. I could not imagine how awkward it would be to have to work for my mans woman. There is no way! Still today there are rumors. The rumor about Anne and her virginity spread so fast! I don't understand how rumors move so quickly without phones, cars, and computers! My luck goes out to Anne!

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

A Timeless Story of Anne Boleyn

Since I was a little girl I have not been much of a reader. I despite reading and it is very difficult for me to comprehend. Luckily for me I got to read the first 4 chapters of Le Temps Viendra while I was on Spring Break. This helped me take my time and understand what the author was writing.
I have never been so intrigued with a book before. In first chapter I was more than confused, I had no idea who was the narrator in this book, and I actually thought it was the author who went on this tour. It was crazy to me how Anne was feeling. Such as the weird sounds and smells she felt. I had no idea that Anne would have been Anne of 1527.
When Anne found out that her sister had slept with her soon to be husband, she was fine with it. There is no way that I could just brush that off like Anne did! I can see Anne's love for the King, but she knows that he is going to kill her in the end. So why does she keep loving him? She has a life in the 21st century as well, but I believe that she is receiving this love and taking it in because she never got it in her normal day to day life. Anne was a very classy woman and she knew what she wanted in life. Also she dressed very elegantly! I could not imagine living the lifestyle of Anne in 1527! I am already reading the next chapter of the book! Cannot wait for it to get better!

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Chapter 9

Chapter 9 in The St. Martin's Guide To Writing is talking about Speculating Causes. On pages 408-409 helps me understand how to structure my paper. It shows how the topic sentence correlates with the body sentences.  On pages 419-420 it taught me that I could use an anecdote to start my paper off. This helped a lot because that is one of the most difficult things for me to do when I start writing. Not only does it start the paper off but it also dramatizes it.Also on page 442 it gave me new ideas how to write a thesis. On page 421 it also said that I could use rhetorical questions. This can help readers understand what side you are on in the argument. On page 425 it tells me how I can also structure my paper, such as "When_____happens,_____is the result." On pages 435-444 they helped me structure my paper it showed me how to make an analysis and then how to respond to it.  Page 438 the chart helped me make a cause and effect graph; by doing a graph I will know how to lay out my paper.

This book has helped me tremendously! On page 442 it helped me write my thesis statement. I more than likely wouldn't have a thesis statement if I did not have those examples to use. I've never written a cause/effect essay. I can say that I think I did pretty well for my rough draft(even though I'm still writing it). I put my paper by chorological order, that helped me write for example, because of this.. then this happened.. I hope I did as well as I planned!

Friday, February 21, 2014

This week

This week has most defiantly been one of the most stressful weeks I've ever had. So many papers in so little time! I just found out the night before we had class that my grandmother was admitted into the ICU. She had an aneurism in her brain which had burst; meaning she had a stoke. My grandmother is one of the most giving and the most caring person I have ever met. She is one of those ladies who will give whatever she has to you.. On Monday afternoon I took my grandmother out with me to show her the prom dress I'm getting. At that moment I realized that she's getting old and I was very lucky that I had got to share that moment with her. I was lucky enough to spend that day with her before she was admitted. Today, she is still in there but she will have 4 days left. So I'm asking for prayers for her and my family. Hold on to those amazing moments you have with your loved ones while you have the chance. Thank y'all!! Good luck writing papers and blogging!

Monday, February 10, 2014

A new writing style

The Little, Brown Handbook and The St.Martin's Guide to Writing helped me write my rough draft. I always had a hard time with plagiarizing not because I wrote word for word, but because I did not know how to paraphrase. In The St.Martin's Guide to Writing the examples on pages 706-707 showed me what was acceptable and not acceptable for paraphrasing. Also in this book on page 711, it showed me how to cite an author with two different works. Without these two books I would have to do more research than planned.

What do I think about tattoos? I think everyone has a purpose to get a tattoo. Some people will get a tattoo to show their respects for someone who has passed or even to emphasize their love for their significant other. I would get a tattoo if I had the chance to, but unfortunately my skin wouldn't allow the ink to stay. I think if you ever get the chance to get a tattoo you should because it expresses you. It shows your personality through a picture that will stay on you forever.  

Monday, January 27, 2014

Importance of Communication

The Little, Brown Handbook helped me format my business letter. It explains the different aspects in order to write a good quality letter. For example, what is an inside address used for? It shows who you are writing to and where your letter is going.

Communication is very important! You use it everyday and not only face-to-face. You communicate through job-applications, letters, resumes, and etc.. It is important to learn how to communicate in various ways because it allows you to connect with other people despite the circumstances.