Sunny Days

Sunny Days

Friday, February 21, 2014

This week

This week has most defiantly been one of the most stressful weeks I've ever had. So many papers in so little time! I just found out the night before we had class that my grandmother was admitted into the ICU. She had an aneurism in her brain which had burst; meaning she had a stoke. My grandmother is one of the most giving and the most caring person I have ever met. She is one of those ladies who will give whatever she has to you.. On Monday afternoon I took my grandmother out with me to show her the prom dress I'm getting. At that moment I realized that she's getting old and I was very lucky that I had got to share that moment with her. I was lucky enough to spend that day with her before she was admitted. Today, she is still in there but she will have 4 days left. So I'm asking for prayers for her and my family. Hold on to those amazing moments you have with your loved ones while you have the chance. Thank y'all!! Good luck writing papers and blogging!


  1. I am sorry I hope that your grandmother get out of the ICU
    I hope she feel better, and for you to enjoy many years to come with her.

  2. Thank you so much! Just found out last night that it is herriditary. But I'm just praying that she will make it to my graduation. See you Wednesday! And thank you again!

  3. Lindsay, thank you for sharing an extra post about something meaningful/ personal with you. You can do all this and I'm sure she is very proud of your hard work. A student's grandmother in my Thursday class passed away last week :/ Good luck to you in writing your rough draft of essay #2 and everything else with your other classes, as well as personally. Keep us up to date and I look forward to reading your final post on your thoughts on Essay #'2's RD.
