Sunny Days

Sunny Days

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Chapter 9

Chapter 9 in The St. Martin's Guide To Writing is talking about Speculating Causes. On pages 408-409 helps me understand how to structure my paper. It shows how the topic sentence correlates with the body sentences.  On pages 419-420 it taught me that I could use an anecdote to start my paper off. This helped a lot because that is one of the most difficult things for me to do when I start writing. Not only does it start the paper off but it also dramatizes it.Also on page 442 it gave me new ideas how to write a thesis. On page 421 it also said that I could use rhetorical questions. This can help readers understand what side you are on in the argument. On page 425 it tells me how I can also structure my paper, such as "When_____happens,_____is the result." On pages 435-444 they helped me structure my paper it showed me how to make an analysis and then how to respond to it.  Page 438 the chart helped me make a cause and effect graph; by doing a graph I will know how to lay out my paper.

This book has helped me tremendously! On page 442 it helped me write my thesis statement. I more than likely wouldn't have a thesis statement if I did not have those examples to use. I've never written a cause/effect essay. I can say that I think I did pretty well for my rough draft(even though I'm still writing it). I put my paper by chorological order, that helped me write for example, because of this.. then this happened.. I hope I did as well as I planned!

Friday, February 21, 2014

This week

This week has most defiantly been one of the most stressful weeks I've ever had. So many papers in so little time! I just found out the night before we had class that my grandmother was admitted into the ICU. She had an aneurism in her brain which had burst; meaning she had a stoke. My grandmother is one of the most giving and the most caring person I have ever met. She is one of those ladies who will give whatever she has to you.. On Monday afternoon I took my grandmother out with me to show her the prom dress I'm getting. At that moment I realized that she's getting old and I was very lucky that I had got to share that moment with her. I was lucky enough to spend that day with her before she was admitted. Today, she is still in there but she will have 4 days left. So I'm asking for prayers for her and my family. Hold on to those amazing moments you have with your loved ones while you have the chance. Thank y'all!! Good luck writing papers and blogging!

Monday, February 10, 2014

A new writing style

The Little, Brown Handbook and The St.Martin's Guide to Writing helped me write my rough draft. I always had a hard time with plagiarizing not because I wrote word for word, but because I did not know how to paraphrase. In The St.Martin's Guide to Writing the examples on pages 706-707 showed me what was acceptable and not acceptable for paraphrasing. Also in this book on page 711, it showed me how to cite an author with two different works. Without these two books I would have to do more research than planned.

What do I think about tattoos? I think everyone has a purpose to get a tattoo. Some people will get a tattoo to show their respects for someone who has passed or even to emphasize their love for their significant other. I would get a tattoo if I had the chance to, but unfortunately my skin wouldn't allow the ink to stay. I think if you ever get the chance to get a tattoo you should because it expresses you. It shows your personality through a picture that will stay on you forever.