Sunny Days

Sunny Days

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

A Timeless Story of Anne Boleyn, Chapters 4-8

In my last blog I said I was going to read ahead... I am very glad I did! I do not want to get behind, plus this is a very interesting story!
Chapter 4 was not a very long chapter. This chapter surprised me in many ways! I thought from what all I have already read, that Anne would go back to her modern times once she woke up. I think about what has happened to Anne's modern day body while she is in the Tudor Era. I cannot believe that Henry already wants Anne to move into London with him. There is absolutely no way that I could leave my family to go with some guy I hardly knew. It surprises how comfortable Henry is with Anne's family (eating with her family without her down there with him). If I were to have an inter coarse with my soon- to- be wife's sister, I would not be comfortable at all! When Anne tells her father that she wants to send a token of her love, I became really confused. Why would you send him anything when you know he will soon take your life away? When Anne gets to be by herself in the room where she had passed out, she realizes that she misses her own life. She misses her friends, family, and Daniel! I believe the only reason Anne is "falling in love with the King" is because she misses Daniel.

In chapter 5, Anne went on a trip with her mother and her sister. She learned about her brother George; whom she found out she was close to. Knowing that she was close to George, she was nervous because she knew that George could tell she acted different. This could give up Anne's disguise. Once Anne got to Allington Castle, her and her sister met up with a few friends. It amazes me how these people cannot tell a difference in Anne. Especially Thomas!

Chapters 6 & 7 talked a lot about fashion. The King gave many outfits to Anne, which was something new to wear everyday. The King told Anne that she would have to serve Queen Katherine while she was there. There is no way I would serve my soon to be husbands wife! Also with the clothes that the King gave Anne, she also got a necklace that contained a diamond and a ruby. I feel that the King buys Anne's love. I wish she would have been with Thomas ! Thomas showed true love to her through a poem. Of course he couldn't buy her the things the King did, but his love feels so real! If any man treated me like that, I would have already married him!

Chapter 8  was an eventful chapter. It was the first time the Queen had met Anne. The Queen treated Anne kindly, although, behind Anne's back she talked bad about her. I could not imagine how awkward it would be to have to work for my mans woman. There is no way! Still today there are rumors. The rumor about Anne and her virginity spread so fast! I don't understand how rumors move so quickly without phones, cars, and computers! My luck goes out to Anne!

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

A Timeless Story of Anne Boleyn

Since I was a little girl I have not been much of a reader. I despite reading and it is very difficult for me to comprehend. Luckily for me I got to read the first 4 chapters of Le Temps Viendra while I was on Spring Break. This helped me take my time and understand what the author was writing.
I have never been so intrigued with a book before. In first chapter I was more than confused, I had no idea who was the narrator in this book, and I actually thought it was the author who went on this tour. It was crazy to me how Anne was feeling. Such as the weird sounds and smells she felt. I had no idea that Anne would have been Anne of 1527.
When Anne found out that her sister had slept with her soon to be husband, she was fine with it. There is no way that I could just brush that off like Anne did! I can see Anne's love for the King, but she knows that he is going to kill her in the end. So why does she keep loving him? She has a life in the 21st century as well, but I believe that she is receiving this love and taking it in because she never got it in her normal day to day life. Anne was a very classy woman and she knew what she wanted in life. Also she dressed very elegantly! I could not imagine living the lifestyle of Anne in 1527! I am already reading the next chapter of the book! Cannot wait for it to get better!